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Cherry Oak School

Working Together for Success

School Logo

Cherry Oak School

Working Together for Success



Attendance letter- for all parents and carers. Please read.

Pupils can start arriving at school at 8:50am.
Between 8:50am-9:15am parents/ carers can drop off pupils, minibuses arrive and pupils disembark.

Morning registers are taken at 9:15am. All pupils should have arrived at school by this time. 

Pupils arriving between 9:15am-9:45am will be marked as ‘Late' before registers close’- (L code). Pupils arriving after 9:45am will be marked as ‘Late after registers close’ (U code). 

Pupils who arrive late in school will be required to report to the school office where their late mark will be recorded.
Afternoon registers open at 1:15pm and close at 1:45pm.


The school day ends at 3:00pm where children are collected by parents and embark on buses to go home.


Contact between parents and school is essential in order to account for pupil absences.

This may take the form of verbal messages through the guides, through letters, emails or telephone calls.

If a parent informs a transport guide of their child’s absence, then the school will call the family on the same day to confirm the message and record this appropriately on the register.

Parents should call the school office on 0121-464-2037, send a message via Weduc or email to report their child’s absence by 9:30am.


Alternatively, you can email your child’s class teacher who will pass the message to the school office.

School Attendance- Facts




Target for all pupils


School will be closely monitoring 


Bordering persistent absentees. Parents alerted to attendance falling into the cause for concern category. 


Attendance concern letter to be sent to parents alerting them to their child’s low attendance, and offering family support to look at ways of improving attendance. 

Below 85%

Attendance has triggered monitoring. Parents are invited into school to discuss concerns and develop an attendance improvement plan. 

Fixed penalty notices for leave taken during term time

Academic Year 2023-2024- No fixed penalty notices issued. 
