Here are the senior and middle leaders in school:
Senior Leadership Team
- Gary Coffey – Executive Headteacher for the Federation of Cherry Oak School, Victoria School and Victoria College. Responsible for the strategic direction of the Federation and settings.
- Emma Eaton - Head of School and DSL. Responsible for the operational and day to day running of Cherry Oak School, including supporting students, families and staff and leading on key school improvement priorities.
- Claire Kings - Strategic Pastoral Manager. Responsible for oversight of family support and Deputy DSL. Oversees attendance for pupils and liaises with outside agencies for additional support, including specialist nurses and family workers. Educational Visits coordinator and staff CPD leader.
- Jacqui Hanna-Jones - Assistant Headteacher. Responsible for oversight of Teaching & Learning and Behaviour & Attitudes. Also oversees Pupil Premium Grant and transitions through school.
- Pauline McKenna - Director of Support Services across the settings within the Federation. Responsible for all non-educational support functions, including site management, health and safety and finances. Also the Data Protection Officer.
Middle Leaders and Other Roles
- Vicky Mawby - Family Support Worker and Deputy DSL. Responsible for Early Help support in school and regular liaision with families regarding a wide range of family support issues.
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- Louise Wood - Early Years and Key Stage 1 Lead. Responsible for curriculum and assessment, as well as day to day provision, for both departments.
- Anna Bridges - Key Stage 2 Lead. Responsible for curriculum and assessment, as well as day to day provision, for the department.