Cherry Oak School
Working Together for Success
Some parents/carers bring their children to school.
The remaining pupils travel to and from school on school transport provided by an external provider.
This transport is arrange through Children and Young Peoples’ Travel Service (sometimes referred to as Travel Assist).
The school does not have any involvement in approving who qualifies for transport and this is a separate service from the school.
Applications for transport are made online by following this link:
If you have any queries/questions regarding the allocation of transport, you can contact them on this number:
0121 303 4955
Or you can email:
Please note there have been significant changes to the Travel Assistance Policy. Details can be found here:
0-25 Travel Assistance Policy: 2024 to 2025 | Birmingham City Council
Children who are granted transport are picked up from their homes by minibuses.
An escort is present to ensure the safety of pupils travelling on the buses.
Additional safety equipment for pupils can be arranged such as booster seats, buckle guards and/or harnesses if these are necessary.
If you have a query about home/school transport please contact the school to check who the provider is for your child.
The contact details for the providers are:
AFJ Travel- 0121 689 1000
Shencare- 0121 476 1816
Green Destinations- 0121 553 3363
HAT's- 0121 387 7820
More information relating to transport providers can be found by following this link:
Transport provider contact information | Birmingham City Council
Please note, this service and staff are not provided by Cherry Oak School.
If you have and queries or complaints please contact the provider directly.