Cherry Oak School
Working Together for Success
Dear parents and carers
I hope you are all keeping well. Things have been busy in school and with our virtual learning. Over the last few weeks we have had an increase of pupils coming to school and more lessons being delivered and accessed online. We have met the requests of all parents for their child to return to school on at least a part time basis. Things are very different in school and pupils are being taught in bubbles but they are coping well with all of the changes.
We now have 2 weeks left of term and the last day of term will be Friday 17th July. School will be closed during the summer holidays and we will not be able to offer any form of childcare or education. We will be following usual term time working and so all online learning will stop for the holidays and teachers will be making their last contact this term during the week beginning 13th July.
Updated guidance has been issued from The Department of Education yesterday about the return of pupils in September. We will be exploring that guidance and following further guidance from the local authority to ensure we have a safe plan for the return of pupils in September. I will be updating you when this is confirmed.
I regret to inform year 6 parents that we are not going to be able to have our usual leavers assembly this year. We have explored many options of how we could make this possible but have come to the conclusion that we can not safely risk assess under current guidance. All year 6 leavers will receive a leavers CD with their Cherry Oak highlights, that usually would be shared at the leavers assembly, and we hope you will be able to take time at home to share these with your child. My final online 'proud assembly' of the year will be a special focus on year 6 pupils. All pupils and families are invited to join but I particularly hope that all year 6 families will be able to join us. This will take place online at 2.30 pm on Friday 17th July on zoom. Login details will be sent out in the usual weekly zoom timetable that week.
If you have any questions or concerns, please discuss them with your child's class teacher during your weekly contact or please contact me directly at school.
Best wishes