Cherry Oak School
Working Together for Success
Dear Parents/carers
I hope that you are all well. I am writing to update you on the provision that we are offering in school. From next week we are having more pupils in school and are meeting all requests from parents. We will continue to offer the necessary days in school for pupils whose parents are working and for our most vulnerable pupils. We have now extended that offer to part time places for all pupils whose parents would like them to access some education in school. There are very limited places on transport and some pupils that normally have a place on transport will now not be able to access transport.
If you have previously not requested your child to access a place in school but would like to review this please discuss this with your child's class teacher or contact me directly. We want to be able to offer something to everyone who wants to access school but can only do this if it is carefully managed and safe. There are no more places available on transport and we need to have adequate time to safely plan the return of each individual pupil so please be patient with us if you now wish to request a place in school.
Many thanks