Cherry Oak School
Working Together for Success
Cherry Oak School will remain closed tomorrow, Wednesday 25th March 2020.
You will no doubt have heard the news that movement outside of your home is significantly restricted and we are working to ensure that all of our pupils and staff can follow this advice. At the beginning of the week we were offering full time childcare places to parents and carers who work as critical workers and our most vulnerable pupils and had hoped to operate part time provision to those that needed it. However, we now feel we can not safely risk assess this. Thank you to the parents who were expecting a childcare place and have now been able to make alternative arrangements. I firmly believe that every child who can be safely cared for at home should be. I can not stress enough that these are extraordinary times that require extraordinary measures. The days, weeks and months ahead will be tricky and we need everyone to play their part. We are all having to make difficult decisions and disrupt our normal everyday lives.
Stay at home
Protect the NHS
Save Lives
Amy Findlay Head of School