Cherry Oak School
Working Together for Success
Dear Parents and Carers,
Due to the current situation regarding the Corvid-19 or Corona Virus I felt it appropriate as Chair of Governors, to give you some reassurance about the safety and well being of your children at Cherry Oak and Victoria Schools.
I have been in regular contact with Julie Fardell, our Executive Principal, and am satisfied that all guidance from the Department of Health is being stringently followed. Staff have been given extra briefings on hygiene and handwashing and on how to ensure our young people are kept safe.
As a parent and grandparent I am aware of the anxiety many of you will be feeling, particularly if your child has underlying health issues and in those cases you should seek the advice of your health professionals. If your child is generally well then you must send them into school as normal and trust us, as you do every other day, to do our very best to keep them safe, happy and educated.
The schools will continue to monitor the advice from the Government Agencies, act accordingly and keep you informed through the normal information channels.
I think the main message is to minimise panic and keep life as normal as possible for our children whilst being extra attentive to hygiene and minimising risk wherever we can.
Clare Mills
Chair of Federation Board of Governors.