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Cherry Oak School

Working Together for Success

School Logo

Cherry Oak School

Working Together for Success


COVID-19 Update

Good evening


We hope you have had a wonderful break. 


If you are able to complete a lateral flow test on your child before school in the morning, this would be a welcome addition to the measures we already have in place to reduce the chance of transmission. 


If you / your family have any queries about whether or not children should attend school tomorrow because of contact with a positive case please call the school office from 7:30am and we will try and assist you. 


Currently, PCR test slots are hard to come by but they are released sporadically throughout the day so advice is to keep trying if you need one. 


As a small school, our biggest vulnerability is staffing as we do not have a team of people who can cover and, as we discovered before Christmas, supply agencies are also struggling to meet need. We are already staff members down for this week due to testing positive for COVID-19 over the festive period and I know covering these members of staff will be difficult. 


We are therefore continuing to take a cautious approach by maintaining bubbles, asking staff to wear face coverings around school and continuing with all cleaning routines established at the beginning of the pandemic.


We very much look forward to seeing you and your children tomorrow.



Kind regards


Ross Ashcroft

