Cherry Oak School
Working Together for Success
Dear Parents and Carers,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our wonderful pupils for their hard work and incredible
achievements this year.
I am hugely proud of them. We celebrate every success here as a school, from academic achievements of a pupil in Bluebells class passing their national phonics screening test, to a pupil in Elm trying a different food for the very first time.
Every step that our children take is a leap forward. A leap that removes another barrier in their life.
I would also like to thank our staff for their commitment, dedication and hard work and our parents and carers for your continued support of Cherry Oak Primary School.
As you know a successful school results from parents and staff working together in partnership for the benefit of our children.
We had a multitude of challenges this year. With COVID wreaking havoc throughout the start of the academic calendar, and this week dealing with the highest temperatures on record.
Nevertheless, the Cherry Oak spirit shone through with parents, staff and our pupils pulling together to get us through the worse of it.
Along with the challenges there have also been a multitude of fantastic highlights such as our stay and play sessions in Acorns, fancy dress for World Book day, Zoo labs brilliant animal experience, health and wellbeing week, year 6 residential, Christmas performances, a brand-new library for the children, the list goes on.
We all know that next year brings new challenges, like the inevitable Ofsted visit. But it also brings new opportunities like fundraising for new sensory integration room, further enriching curriculum areas across the school, and new staff and pupils starting with us. Together, with your support, and your children as our inspiration, we can achieve anything.
Year 6 Leavers:
A special thank you has to go out to our year 6 leavers. It was a tear-jerking performance at the year 6 leavers assembly today! It was an absolute pleasure to see the highlights of these confident, hardworking and dedicated pupils in their photo slideshows this afternoon. This their last day before they leave for the next stage of their educational journey. We are so proud to have taught them here at Cherry Oak. They are a credit to the school and their parents. We are really going to miss them. Well done Year 6!
Full school uniform will be in place as normal from September 2022. The uniform will be unchanged in September.
New Staff:
We will be saying goodbye to a small number of staff and welcoming increasing numbers of new members of staff to Cherry Oak in the new academic year. I know that our new staff will be both positive and productive additions to our school community. Next year will see the biggest increase in staffing the school has seen,with more Teaching Assistants and Teachers than any previous years. Information about staff will be available on the school website.
Arrangements for the start of term
- Monday 5th September - Staff training day - school closed to pupils
- Tuesday 6th September - Staff training day - school closed to pupils
- Wednesday 7th – All year 1-6 pupils back at school (Reception pupils will have individual transitions)
Please keep a close eye on the school website and school app which will have all updates and guidance. I would like to wish you all a good summer and look forward to seeing you and your families in the new term.
Yours faithfully.
Ross Ashcroft