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Cherry Oak School

Working Together for Success

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Cherry Oak School

Working Together for Success


Update - Friday 22nd May 2020

Dear Parents/Carers


I hope this message finds you all well and safe. We have had another busy week in school and with our virtual learning. The zoom timetable is well established and it is fantastic to see how many families are accessing these sessions. There are no sessions timetabled for next week due to half term holiday but look out for information regarding the timetable for the week beginning Monday 1st June 2020. Many staff have continued to work hard in school providing childcare to children of key workers and our most vulnerable pupils. There has been a lot of effort from all staff to ensure children have access to a range of activities and resources to support with home learning. We have now visited all families again this week with another activity pack. The staff delivering these packs have loved seeing you all and are very appreciative of the positive responses.


I have now contacted all families that will be accessing a childcare place during the week beginning Monday 1st June 2020. We are still not in a position to 're-open' to all pupils who would like to come to school. We will continue to offer childcare to children of key workers and our most vulnerable pupils. I appreciate that some parents may be disappointed that they would like their child to return to school and do not meet our continued criteria. . I will be contacting those parents in June to discuss how we can safely have their child back in school at a later date in the summer term. The safety of all our pupils and staff is our main priority and we will continually risk assess the situation.


To support with health and safety, all pupils and staff are required to come in clean clothes every day. We continue to request that no one visits the school site. Any child who needs to be dropped off or collected other than by ATG transport can only be done by prior agreement. 


School will be completely closed next week and all staff have been directed to take a well earned break. This means that school staff will not be contacting families for one week. 


I know it is difficult to view next week as half term holiday but I hope you can enjoy some positive time with your families.


Take care everyone.



