Cherry Oak School
Working Together for Success
Dear Parents and Carers
I hope you are all staying safe and well. I know these are difficult times for us all and I appreciate all the positive communication we have had with you throughout this.
Cherry Oak School has been open this week to provide emergency childcare to children of key workers and our most vulnerable children as determined by our safeguarding date. We will continue to be open as a childcare provider. If you feel your child falls into one of the categories of needing a place at our emergency childcare then please discuss this with your child's class teacher or contact me directly on the school number.
Thank you to our dedicated teams of staff who have been looking after the children in our childcare. Staff are also working hard to support families with home learning. We sent packs home before going into lockdown and have been regularly updating our website with resources. We are also working on new packs for you to use at home. These packs are going to be delivered by teams of staff next week. The staff are going to be using the school buses to visit your address and deliver the resources. We will of course be observing social distancing but hope we will be able to take the opportunity to at least be able to wave at you all! If you have any concerns or objections to this can you please contact me directly. We can't give a time on when these visits will be happening but hope to visit all of our families (who are not accessing our childcare) during next week.
Our highlight this week has been the introduction of virtual sessions through the use of Zoom. It has been wonderful to see so many of our pupils and their families taking part and enjoying the familiarity of things we do in school including our favourite singing and signing. We are going to continue to develop the virtual sessions that we can do so please keep an eye out for what will be happening.
Stay safe and take care