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Cherry Oak School

Working Together for Success

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Cherry Oak School

Working Together for Success


Fern Class Resources

Welcome to Fern Class's Home learning page.


We hope that you will find the ideas and videos here useful whilst your child is at home.

Daily Routine


Below you will find the songs and videos we use throughout the school day to help our children with their learning and also to help them to recognise the routine of the day.


We have also created a Slideshow that you may wish to use at home. The slideshow contains familar activities from school that you could use at home. Please click on the link below to view


Fern Routine Slideshow For Home Learning


EXCOM - A Choice Making And Communication Session


EXCOM - Click Here


A relaxing session in which children are given the opportunity to explore and play with a variety of items or toys to an accompanying piece of music. 

Sensory Diet A Calmining And Proprioception Session


Sensory Diet Slideshow - Click Here


A Relaxing session that follows a simple routine set to music. This session allows pupils to relax take comfort and meet their proprioceptive needs.

Aided Language Display Board for Activities At Home


  • An ‘aided language display’ is a symbol display where all the relevant words for a specific activity are displayed on a single page in symbol form
  • Ensure that symbols are easily accessible in activities
  • They can be used to supplement systems already in place such as Makaton, Communication books or with purely verbal communication as they are quick to make and easy to implement
  • They are a useful tool to support students to communicate in a functional way, within various activities throughout the day
  • Vocabulary is organised to help combine words and build simple sentences from left to right across the display
  • Certain key symbols such as ‘more’ and ‘finished’, which frequently appear on displays, should always be located in the same place each time to help the learner’s understanding and use of them. At Cherry Oak these key symbols or ‘Core Vocabulary’ are located on the left hand side of the display in yellow boxes.
  • When using an Aided Language Display, or ‘ALD’ for short it is important for the person communicating with the child to use the ALD as well.

An example of using an ALD to play a game

Here is a short video of two people playing a game using and ALD to support communication. Although the display is slightly different from the ones we use at Cherry Oak the principle is the same.

Hello Song

This song is used during Circle time to start the morning in class

Quiet time music

This video is played to indicate that it's time to sit quietly and calmly. It is played with the lights in class turned off

Outdoor Playtime

Song used to let children know that it's time to go out to play

Wash Your Hands Song

Played whilst children are washing their hands

Snack time

Played whilst children are eating at snack time

Tidy Up Song

Used at the end of snack time or other activities to indicate that it is time to finish and begin the next activity

Lunch Choice

Song used to let children know that its time to choose what they would like for lunch

Lunchtime Song

Played just before children eat lunch

End of the school day song

Played at the end of the day to let children know that the school day is ending and that it's time to get ready to go home.
